Tuesday 11 February 2014

Poster analysis

The World's End by Edgar Wright.- Dystopian features used through the entirety of the background. For example the explosions, cracked ground and meteorites in the sky.

- All choices from the paradigm have connotations of destruction and action which along side the choice of semiotics, such as the facial expressions of the cast in the foreground and the supernatural beings in the background immediately gives the viewer an immediate impression of the genre of film.

- The structure and layout of the films title is in itself reference to the films plot (Pub crawl with robots) as it is written as it would if it was a sign of a pub. Mainly the word 'The' as it is written in the stereotypical archaic font used on most pub signs.

- The use of a starry sky in the upper background also links the film heavily to a Sci-Fi genre. When you see a star filled sky the mind tends to jump to things like romance and science fiction in the context of films.

- The juxtaposition of the peaceful starry sky and the destruction below gives the impression that in this film (much like other Edgar Wright films) the peaceful and quiet environment that the film could be based in  may be ruined by some bizarre kind of wide spread destruction (Zombies in Shaun Of The Dead and creepy murder cult in Hot Fuzz).

Commutation test:
  • Replacing the comets in the sky with military jets and replacing the blue eyed creatures in the background with soldiers would move the films existing genre of Sci-Fi and Comedy straight into action.
  • The word 'annihilated' the films tagline 'PREPARE TO GET ANNHILATED' goes along side the theme of destruction that takes place in the film and the fact that the robots' goal is to "Annihilate" the human characters. Also in relation to the theme of drinking in the film 'Annihilated' means to get incredibly drunk. changing it to just 'drunk' or 'destroyed' loses the double meaning that intends to link both genre's of the film (Comedy and Sci-Fi).