Tuesday 9 July 2013

Initial plan.

For my A2 Media production I have decided to do a promotional pack for a movie of my own making. This promotional pack will include one main production and two ancillary.

Main Task: Movie trailer.

- Film name: The Try Hards
- Genre: Comedy and action.
- Cast: *Yet to be auditioned.
- Location possibilities: Local parish hall, Local secondary school, Cabot Circus shopping centre?
For my project I have decided to draw inspiration from a genre of film that in recent years has gained a massive of popularity. Superhero movies. Of this genre there are a couple of films that stand out from the others as incredibly unique takes on the genre such as Kick Ass and Super. The plot of these two films step away from the usual Hollywood super powered behemoths of Marvel and DC and tells the story of an everyday (Non super powered) person attempting to take crime fighting into their own hands.

With a plot inspired by these two films and my choices in editing influenced by one of my favourite directors Edgar Wright I hope to make a trailer that suits its genre and gives the audience my intended preferred reading. 

Ancillary task 1: Movie Poster.

For the poster of the film I plan to produce 3 different draft pieces of which need to look professional and draw interest to the film.

The poster of the film needs to be relevant to the main production tasks content.

Ancillary task 2: Magazine spread on the film.

For the magazine spread I will hope to include interviews with the director (myself) and the cast (tbc) as well as pictures and an in depth preview of the production.

For reference I will look at Magazines that I think my film would be featured in. In this case Empire and SFX.